Wednesday, December 1, 2010

100% Pass Rate!!

Congrats everyone!! We are officially the first SUU Nursing Class to get 100% pass rate on NCLEX! Way to go everyone :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

We are Graduates!!!!

Hey everyone I just thought I would post some of the cute pics that I have from graduation. Sorry I don't have more of everyone, but unfortunately I didn't have my own camera. That is one of the things on my list that I need to get! I miss you all so much, and hope life is going great for you! Still no luck with finding a job but I figure after boards things will look up from there when I PASS! So I am pretty much just chilling in Provo, and just having fun for now. I scheduled my test yesterday. I am taking it June 3rd at 1pm in Draper so wish me luck! I can't wait to get this over with. I hope the best for all of you in passing this so called N-CLEX! Love, Candy

Friday, April 30, 2010

Congratulations everyone!

Congratulations guys! We did it! I couldn't have asked for a better class :) Thanks for all the great memories and friendships..... see you all at our final graduation ceremony tomorrow !!!!!

love- Jamie

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Hey everyone! If anyone has a better picture for our main page you should put it up, because the one I have up isn't my favorite. Just a suggestion! :)